Episode 1 – Intro and Planning

Episode 1 of My Creativity is an introduction to the show and me, Surrey.  For the meaty part I discuss the framework for planning and goal setting.

  1. Find your purpose
  2. Define your mission
  3. Set annual strategic priorities that lead to your mission
  4. Create quarterly goals with measures that lead to your annual strategic priorities.
  5. Create a monthly task list.
  6. Resolve your monthly tasks to weekly.
  7. Execute

My goals for next week:

  1. Edit and produce next episode of Exit Plan
  2. Finish editing the novel of Exit Plan season 1
  3. Create an online shop for GravityUndone.net to sell the novel and merch

Tune in next week to hear how I’ve gone with my goals and hear my next set.

Message me @gravityundone on twitter your weekly or monthly goals so we can work together to achieve great things! (or email me mycreativity@gravityundone.net)